Chromopathy - Diagnosis and Treatment

In the treatment by Chromopathy, the colour of stools, urine, skin, phlegm, eyes and nails is minutely analyzed. It is then determined which colours are deficient. It is also found out if any colour or combination of colours has caused the imbalance. It has to be carefully done as any mistake in this regard may aggravate the trouble. This might cause lack of one colour and artificially increase the other. In such cases, Chromopathy cannot alleviate the suffering.

Chromotherapy Color Meanings and Treatment

In this therapy, water warmed by rays of sun is employed to root out stomach problems. Medicinal or soap water enema is not used in this system of treatment. The water for use is kept for the prescribed period in glass bottles of the same colour of which the body is deficient. Fruit juices, lemon water, fast and milk have important part in this treatment.

Sun-Bath- the sun bath is taken in an absolutely naked state. The heat of the sunshine should be tolerable to the body. The sun-bath should be taken after abluations. A glass of warm water should be taken. One should lie in the sun for 20-30 minutes and then take bath with cold water. This is beneficial in nearly all diseases. The body should be well covered with a blanket. A wet cloth should cover the head. One should keep turning on all sides so that the entire body is benefited by sun bath. Apart from this, in certain diseases like joint-pains, diseases induced by cold and for impotency sun-bath should be taken in naked state during winter. It has been found that if the body is massaged with mustard of sesame seeds oil during sun-bath, it is highly efficacious.

Diseases like a chronic cough, premature ejaculation, impotency, gas trouble, pain in joints, injury, sprain, disorders of the blood, and diseases of the bones, skin troubles and pimples are cured by sun-bath accompanied by massage of the body.

 Apart from this, for certain diseases, various types of bath, steam bath and wet bandages are employed in this therapy. Wet bandages on the waist, warm fomentation, cold fomentation, or a mixture of hot and cold fomentation are also for some ailments. These things are done under the supervision of specialists in prescribed manner.

Colour Therapy Treatment

Surya-Namaskar: It I beneficial in three ways. First, it is bath in the sun. Then it is exercises the body and thirdly it is a prayer that gives self-satisfaction. It is done after sun-rise. It can be done by 9 a.m. in summer and by 10 a.m. in winter. There are six postures in it and these postures have therapeutic qualities.

The principle of Coloured bottles: Bottles of different colours are employed in this therapy. White bottles covered with paper of required colour can be used. The bottle to be used should be of the same colour in which the body is deficient. Water or oil for massage is filled into the bottles. One fourth of the bottle is kept empty. The bottle is kept on a wooden plank and never on the floor. The wooden plank is also covered by paper or painted in the same colour as the bottle. A tight cork is fitted to the mouth of the bottle. The bottle is placed in sunlight in the morning. As soon as water vapour accumulates on the outer side of the bottle, it is to remove to a dark place. This water should be used within three or four days and it should be kept n dark. It should be protected from dampness. The oils are also prepared like water. Ghee prepared from pure milk can also be medicated like this for use. Oils are kept in the sunlight from daybreak to dusk for a continuous period of forty days. Then they are ready for massage. It is better that experts supervise this work.

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