India claims that this system of treatment was discovered by
her some three thousand years back. From here it travelled to china with the
Buddhist preachers. On the other hand, China asserts that it took birth in
china five thousand years back. Whatever may be the truth, it can be safely
asserted that this system of treatment in which small needles are inserted at pre-determined spots, is not only exotic but nearly painless. Most of the developed
countries are now engaged in research on acupuncture and there is no doubt that
this system of treatment is opening new vistas of knowledge in alleviating
human misery.

There is Chinese proverb that asserts that this system can keep away thousands of diseases. There are many, who believe that this system of acupuncture was developed in India some three thousand years ago. From here, it was taken to China by Buddhist Preachers, who went around in south East Asia, spreading message of love and ahimsa of their mentor Buddha, the Enlighten one. The Chinese asserts that acupuncture took roots in their country more than five thousand years back, We need not dwell on this controversy, as at present acupuncture is accepted widely as Chinese method of treatment. The oldest book printed on the subject of treatment of diseases, Huang Di Nei Jing, was published in China. Translated into English the title of the book would be something like this—“The Classical Book of Treatment of the Chinese Emperor”. There is one whole chapter devoted to acupuncture in this treatise. During olden times, the Chinese emperors paid salary to the doctors practicing acupuncture so long as their patient were in good health. The salary and respect of the physician increased in direct proportion to the number of patients successfully treated by him. If there were complaints regarding misbehavior of the physician or many person died during the treatment, his salary was decreased in the same proportion.