There are many references about the medicinal qualities of urine in the original texts of Susruta Samhita, Atreya Samhita, Charak Sahita and Madhav Nidan. We find details regarding using cow’s urine for treating various diseases along with Tantra-mantra in Atreya Samhita. As such, it can be asserted that urine therapy has been used for treatment for ages. But, references to the use of human urine in medicine is found at the time when the chemical analysis was in the nascent stage. The oldest references to the use of human urine, in the treatment of diseases, in an organized manner are found in the book ‘Salmon’s English Physician’ published in 1695. This book gives detailed description regarding its use for treating various diseases. According to this book, “the urine of four-footed animals can be used for treating diseases. The human urine is the most beneficial in this respect. It comes out of the body system of the most developed creation of nature. Urine is made of water and residue from the blood. Li is used for purifying the body and keeping it healthy. As such, any person can re-use his own urine for this purpose.”
Further, this book explains that auto-urine can be done in two ways. Firstly urine can be taken as medicine and secondly it can be massaged aver affected parts. For this, fresh or stored urine can be used as required and according to the symptoms of the diseases.
Another book was published simultaneously in England, Ireland and Scotland on this subject. It is not known as to who authored this book. It seems that the author of this book preferred to remain anonymous but tried to enlighten the people regarding this new therapy. This book ‘One Thousand Notable Things’, is a sort of the reference book for all those who treated people by urine-therapy. The biggest name in modern urine-therapy, Dr. J.W. Armstrong, has referred to this book in his internationally acclaimed book ’The Water of Life’. This book tells that human urine has the properties and capacity to fight all external and internal human diseases. It can keep the body healthy, agile and energetic. If taken regularly. It increases the lifespan of a person.
The person, who advocated auto-urine therapy in India, is the famous urine therapist Acharya Jagdish B. he is a friend of the former Prime Minister Moraji Desai. He has given the gist of all scientific researches and investigations carried out in the world in his book Auto Urine Therapy and has said that undoubtedly this method is the most simple and successful therapy in the world.
According to July 1958, an issue of the magazine Science Digest, “from the analysis of healthy human urine, it has been found that it contains substances which help in the expansion of the arteries of the heart. The flow of blood towards the heart is thus increased. This provides immediate relief in diseases like Angina Pectoris.”
In a research paper presented at the seminar of America’s Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology organized in April 1966, it was accepted that human urine therapy had been successful to some extent, in the treatment of the cancer of the brain. It was said in this report that a substance called Directin has been found in human urine. If it is administered to cancer cells, they cease to proliferate in all directions and multiply only in one direction. It was assumed that human urine establishes some kind of control over the cancer cells.
The protagonists of auto-urine therapy assert that urine is not something dirty or a repugnant thing. After all, a thing, which is part of our body till it comes out, could not be labeled poison. The modern science confirms this argument of urine therapists. It has been found from intensive research that the human urine contains secretions from endocrine glands that the human body had not been able to absorb. Only a few years back, when antibiotic medicine was very costly, penicillin was extracted from the urine of the patients and then re-injected in their body. Some penicillin, that the human body failed to absorb, came out with the urine. This was then reused as stated above. It is believed, and this is true that many serum and anti-toxins that can fight diseases in our body go to waste with the urine. The specialists of urine therapy assert that the resistance of the body to diseases and infection increases if urine is taken regularly. As such, many diseases are prevented from taking roots in our body. If due to some reasons, any diseases take hold of the body, it is eradicated by regular partaking of urine. Auto Urine therapy can be beneficially used in the primary and secondary stages of cancer, tuberculosis, heart trouble, diseases of the brain, gangrene, white patches, blood cancer, malaria, cold and cough, venereal diseases, obesity, rheumatism, cataract, deep sores, sores due to burns, asthma, kidney, ailments, irregularity of mensuration, epilepsy, hysteresis, bleeding gums, acidity, stomach ulcers, appendix, ailments of intestines, meningitis, ringworm, scabies, leprosy and allergy.